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    Offre de formation
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    Master Biologie, agrosciences
  • program://master-biologie-agrosciences-LMGC276K?rootId=page://11285f75-54cc-4102-adfc-bba834e8dd7b&programId=subProgramContent://1f87138a-8c3e-43a0-b386-22f76e417993&parentId=programContent://5cbb1660-e697-4921-8e72-ab0fe48f1539CONTAINER
    Parcours For the Microbes (FORTHEM)
  • UE1 Option A: Internship Advanced Microbiology I

UE1 Option A: Internship Advanced Microbiology I

  • Niveau d'étude

    BAC +5

  • ECTS

    15 crédits

  • Composante

    UFR Sciences Vie Terre Environnement


In preparation for the Master's thesis, the work in a research laboratory will provide to the students the opportunity to pursue a research project defined with the supervisors while being trained in independent scientific research. Students will be introduced into the state of the art of the respective research area. They will present their results in a research colloquium.  

 The accompanying seminars will give the opportunity to a broad range of actors from the campuses of Mainz, Dijon and the Forthem alliance to present their field of research and teaching with the aim to facilitate internships and collaboration across the alliance. 


-4 week-internship in a research laboratory 

-research colloquia 

-research seminars 

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Applying advanced skills of the microbiology laboratory in the context of a small scientific project. 

 Reporting, presenting and discussing scientific results in English. 

 Following and discussing state-of-the-art international research presentations. 

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Heures d'enseignement

  • TDTravaux Dirigés60h

Pré-requis obligatoires

M1 International Master in Microbiology - ForTheMicrobes  

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Modalités de contrôle des connaissances

Évaluation initiale / Session principale - Épreuves

Type d'évaluationNature de l'épreuveDurée (en minutes)Nombre d'épreuvesCoefficient de l'épreuveNote éliminatoire de l'épreuveRemarques
CC (contrôle continu)CC : Ecrit et/ou Oral15